June 11, 2023

Pages 1577
Whole Number 83

Whole No. 83, September, 1973


(A correspondent added a note to a recent letter lamenting the lost art of whistling. "I remember when most every man I knew whistled. We need some historic preservation on whistling." She sent along the following piece by H. E. Zimmerman.)

 "The fellow who knows how to whistle and still has his front teeth, and whistles, is a benefactor of mankind. Just pucker up your lips and whistle. Whistle the poison out of your soul.

 "Whistle hope. Whistle cheer. Have you ever heard an unhappy man whistle? You never have, because unhappiness, anger, and discouragement, and all other unpleasant things blow right out with the first breath of a gentle whistle.

 "When you feel failure in your bones, whistle. At the moment you start to scold, whistle. Before you begin to burden anyone with your troubles, whistle. Keep your mouth moist and ready all the time. Whistling is contagious. As soon as your whistle starts, the other fellow is apt to begin. Whistling makes difficult things easier and the big things possible. It oils up the world and makes folks happier.
