January 25, 2022
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The officers of The Sparks Family Association would like to thank publicly Mrs. Mae Weldenmaier of 4724 Fifth Street, NW, Washington 11, D.C., for the assistance which she is giving the Association. Mrs. Waldenmaier is a professional genealogist and does research regularly in the National Archives. Her many clients keep Mrs. Waldenmaier busy searching census records, pension applications, published genealogies, etc., for material on a great many families. Although not a Sparks descendant, she has taken an interest in the Quarterly and has been copying Sparks data for the Association as she happens across it while looking for other families. As a result she is providing us with all sorts of Sparks records which would cost a greet deal were we to hire this research done in the usual way. The fact that Mrs. Waldenmaier is an extremely accurate and thorough researcher adds to the importance of her contributions.
Unlike some professional genealogists who do research only as a means of making moncy, Mrs. Waldenmaier is genuinely interested in family history and she takes a personal interest in her clients's problems. This is illustrated by the fact that Mrs. Waldenmaier is responsible for (she is the editor) the Genealogical Newsletter, a new quarterly periodical costing $2.00 per year. As its name suggests, the Newsletter keeps its subscribers informed regarding new publications in the field of genealogy and local history and provides all sorts of useful bits of information helpful to the person doing his own research. In addition, the Newsletter frequently contains a special bibliography of genealogical materials in some special field. The current issue, for example, contains "A Finding-list of the Official County Court Records of Marriages in Virginia." The officers would like to suggest that any member who wishes to engage a professional genealogist to do research in Washington, D.C., will do well to write to Mrs. Waldenmaier. Her fees are reasonable, she replies promptly to all enquiries, and her work is dependable. Write to: Mrs. Inez Waldenmaier, 4724 Fifth Street, NW, Washington 11, D.C.
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Members of the Association will recall that in an earlier issue of the Quarterly we expressed the Association's appreciation to Inez Waldenmaier for the work which she was doing for our organization. Mrs. Waldenmaier very kindly 'kept on the watch' for Sparks data during her genealogical research in Washington and contributed many valuable records which we have published and shall continue to publish in the Quarterly. Of late, however, Mrs. Waldenmaier has been forced to curtail her professional genealogical research in order to devote full time to her publication, The Genealogical Newsletter which, by the way, is an exceedingly valuable quarterly for anyone interested in genealogy. (Subscriptions are $3.00 per year; write to Inez Waldenmaier, 4724 Fifth St., N.W., Washington 11, D.C.)
When Mrs. Waldenmaier found it impossible to continue her work for The Sparks Family Association, she recommended a successor in the person of Carrie Grant Heppen (Mrs. Peter J.), of 3617 Fessenden St., N.W., Washington 8, D.C. For the past year Mrs. Heppen has been collecting Sparks material for the Association and has proved herself to be an exceedingly conscientious and accurate researcher. She is thoroughly familiar with the records housed in the National Archives, is an expert in reading difficult writing, and has the imagination and initiative so necessary in all historical and genealogical research. She has supplied the Association already with a great many records which are proving to be invaluable. We wish to thank Mrs. Heppen publicly for this service.
Should any member wish to engage a professional genealogist in Washington, your Editor recommends Mrs. Heppen with enthusiasm. She is prompt and her fee is very reasoriable--$2.00 per hour. Since she is so well acquainted with the genealogical resources in Washington, such as the U.S. census reports from 1790 through 1880, she wastes no time in locating the material needed. Write to: Carrie Grant Heppen, 3617 Fessenden St., N.W., Washington 8, D.C.
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It is believed that the following letter received recently from Mrs. Kirby-Smith Anderson written from her home, The Magnolias, in Madison, Georgia, will interest a number of our members. Mrs. Anderson is the official historian of Morgan County, Georgia, and has generously furnished historical and genealogical material to many persons who trace their lineage to Morgan County. She has been a friend for many years of Maj. Charles H. Smith and contributed valuable data for his record of the descendants of 25. Martin Peeples Sparks which appeared in the March and June issues of the Quarterly. Mrs. Anderson writes as follows:
'The nation-wide reputation of Mr. Smith's grandfather, 'Bill Arp', first brought me into contact with Mr. Smith, and I had the pleasure of supplying information on his Sparks, Leonard, Whatley, Peeples, and Carter lines. All of these families were prominent in Georgia. I am just recovering from a serious fall which I received while serving as President General in the opening of the National Headquarters of the National Society Colonial Dames of the Seventeenth Century. I slipped on the highly polished floor of the Conference Hall and broke my right leg just below the hip. Seven months have passed since my accident, but I am now back home and able to use crutches. I hope soon again to lead the active life to which I have been accustomed. Not until today was I able to open all of my spring mail, and foremost I find the most interesting Sparks Family Quarterly, giving not only printed history, but also the quaint pictures of those dearest to Mr. Smith and even the old family home which later burned. I certainly enjoyed receiving this valuable family record and am anxious to send any additional data which might be of interest. The way that the record is presented is most attractive and in the choicest of English, which adds to its charm. As the study of history and genealogy is my hobby, I congratulate all who are sharing in the collection of the Sparks family history and wish their continued success.
[signed] Mrs. Kirby-Smith Anderson.'
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Homage to a noble ancestry once denied
Is love and gratitude crucified;
The substance of self and selfishness
Impotent--self glorified.
A bold legacy of family lore survives
While wealth squandered never revives.
What are we as members of The Sparks Family Association doing to perpetuate the legacy left us by a noble ancestry? Join me in perpetuating and increasing our membership--and leaving a living legacy worthy of those responsible for our being. Except for the past, there would be no today--no tomorrow--no present--no future. "Today" is the most important day in our lives. The past has gone, the future has not been born. What are we of The Sparks Family Association going to do "Today," for the future, in honor of the past? We can at least renew our memberships and each invite another "Sparks" to join us, or present a membership to an eligible friend. "Where there is a will there is a way." We have the "way"--but have we the "will"? Many of us have children and grandchildren who should be initiated into our fold, and taught early the significance of their origins; together with the privilege afforded them to "honor" their forebears. Pride, dignified, instills self-respect. It is not a chimera. Personally, it is my conviction that we, as members, owe greater allegiance to our Association, and greater encouragement and indications of appreciation to President Paul E. Sparks and our Secretary-Treasurer Editor Russell E. Bidlack. To them we concede the credit far what has been done, and to them we look for our future existence. Honor to whom honor is due. This I submit at the age of 88 years and nine months, together with my regret that it "may be later than I think," and my working days nearing the "vanishing point." In the meantime, "carry on" with me--and continue to "carry on" in memory of those entitled to your homage.
[signed] Charles H. Smith.
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The following letter from Helen Quinn contains an interesting suggestion for the sharing of family records. We shall be pleased to publish materials prepared by Mrs. Quinn and would encourage members to write to her. Her offer reads as follows:
Dear Mr. Bidlack.
For several years I have wondered just how many other members of the Sparks Family Association are working on the same lines that I am, Surely there are members that I might help and also members who have information for which I have been looking.
In my opinion an article of real value for a future issue of the Sparks Quarterly would be one that listed members' names, earliest known Sparks ancestor, and geographical area of ancestor search. If you feel this idea has merit and would like some help, I should be happy to put together material for such an article if you would have members send information to me stating that it was for a Sparks Quarterly article.
Helen Quinn,
1812 Crescent Drive,
Springfield, Ohio 55014.